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Computer Hardware

Largest Selection of Components & Accessories In the Area

Computer Hardware


Our Build Tech's can design you a custom machine to your specification.


These can come in many forms. The size and shape of a computer case is usually determined by the form factor of the motherboard, since it is the largest component of most computers.


There are different classes of motherboards. Which one you need will be dependent on your intentions with the system.


Choosing a CPU will determine how fast your system can open things up. If you are only using simple programs like an Internet browser you would not pick a high end processor. On the other hand, wanting to open up business related software might require something faster.

Hard Drive

An HDD determines how much data can be stored on your system. The more files you have, the more storage space you will need. Factoring in the amount of pictures, movies, music, and documents will help decide on which way to go.

Solid State

SSD's have no moving components. When choosing your data needs and speeds, there is a choice between cost and performance. Choose wisely


The amount of memory your computer has tells you how many things you can open up at the same time. The less memory, the less things you can do. There are requirements for each program.

Video Card

Video cards would be installed in your machine for many reasons, from needing multi-monitor setups to engineering, there are levels of video cards we can help you choose to fit your need.

Sound Card

Most Motherboards these days come with pretty hefty sound cards built right into them. For people looking for that extra edge, recording music, or streaming there games fitting the right sound card to get the right job if a decision we can help you with.

Power Supply

One of the most important parts of a computer. The power delivered to your computer determines what things you are able to run on your machine. Skimping on such a basic item is not a wise decision.

Optical Drive

Optical drives are slowly being removed from the computer, but they still have an important role in many aspects of daily computing. Data backup is still a huge thing that is overlooked with these devices.


Keeping your computer at the right temperature is the most important and hardest task. Having your system run at optimal temperature will make it run more efficiently and last longer.